I am a mother of two daughters who were born at the turn of this century.
I live in Ventura County, California with my girls, husband, dog, and cat. As you can probably guess, I live with my fair share of teen attitude and drama!
I began teaching and coaching over 15 years ago. I have a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology and am a certified parenting instructor and life coach.
I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of parents improve their family dynamics and personal lives. They have learned how to define what they want, know how to get it, and create loving and collaborative relationships that last a lifetime.
When my oldest turned 13, she didn’t need my help anymore or want my advice. We stopped playing, cuddling, and reading together. Her new school and activities rarely requested volunteers. I hadn’t had this kind of freedom in years. The ME who existed before having kids knew how to live a life brimming with time, but she was a distant memory.
I struggled to parent and communicate with my daughter. The parenting tools I’d relied on and taught for years were not working with a teenager. I felt completely lost. I knew other parents were struggling. I knew other women felt the same way.
I decided I would figure this thing out by making use of my newfound time and freedom.
I spent almost two years researching, developing, and testing my toolkit and paradigm for parents of tween, teen, and college-aged children. I share these revolutionary, cutting-edge tools and techniques freely on social media, in seminars, webinars, and talks.
I also narrowed down my life coaching practice to focus on mothers. I believe that women with children create the future of our world. Women teach girls how to be women, and boys how to be men. We deserve to live life fully and create a brilliant future full of possibilities.
Mom, it is YOUR time. Know and honor your own wishes, hopes, and dreams. When you are joyful and fulfilled, you become the best parent, partner, and teammate you can be. It is time to master the parenting tools that will scale into your child’s adulthood.
Build trust, connection, and collaboration that will last a lifetime. Make your whole life easier, clearer, and more joyful.